
As one of our last highlights, we participatde at Various Voices in Bologna in June 2023 [LINK]. Various Voices is the main European LGBTQ+ choir Festival of LEGATO, the European association of LGBTQ+ choirs, which usually occur every four years. The 2023 festival is led by the local choir Komos, Coro LGBT di Bologna, and took place in that amazing historic city. Our specific repertoire we had been working on for this festival is entitled La Revolucion Sexual.

We have had an amazing time performing at festivals and events, as well as at the rehearsals and socialising in preparation! The festivals are not competitions, but celebrations of music and community and a fantastic opportunity to hear and see a whole range of choirs perform. We have enjoyed ourselves at GALA, Various Voices and the UK & Ireland Proud Voices’ Hand in Hand festivals, as well as smaller ones such as Palma, Majorca in 2021.

We look forward to many future performances! Further ahead we are looking forward to the Hand in Hand UK & Ireland festival in Bristol in August 2024 [LINK].

We also enjoyed being guests in other countries, such as in the UK at “Hand in Hand”, the nationwide choir festival. You might follow us via YouTube, as well HERE.

[ get to know, why making music in an LGBTQ+ choir is so much fun for us HERE ]

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