Plans for 2024 and beyond

Our choral singing carries us across borders. This is a great experience for each of us.

After the great time in 2023 in Bologna / Italy for the Various Voices festival, we had originally planned to all travel to the GALA event in the USA in July 2024. Now at least some choir members will be attending this festival. Don’t hesitate if you want to check in with us on this for further networking.

However, 2024 will remain an exciting year. We are very happy about that:

For example, if you are interested in singing with us at very inspiring LGBTQI+ festival “Hand in Hand” in Bristol/United Kingdom, please don’t hesitate to register with us early.

Further dates for 2025, 2026 etc. are being planned.

Our rehearsal / performance in November 2023 in Berlin / Germany – and we will be in Berlin in October 2024 again!

Here is our current rehearsal schedule, which you can help shape as usual either online or then on site in person as a singer. We are looking forward to any and all inquiries and then, of course, participation!

To join EQC you are to attend the following rehearsal weekends:

  • 24./25. February 2024 (Sat/Sun): Leeds, UK, in person or on Zoom
  • 27./28. April 2024 (Sat/Sun): Brighton, UK, in person or on Zoom
  • 13./14. July 2024 (Sat/Sun): Bruxelles, Belgium, in person or on Zoom

This is the scheduled event: 16-18. August 2024 (Fri-Sun): Bristol, UK

And after that:

  • 19./20. October 2024 (Sat/Sun): in “the city, that never sleeps” Berlin, Germany, in person or on Zoom

The European Queer Choir is also very happy to perform as ambassadors at other festivals – and really happy to do so in cooperation with local / regional choirs. Let’s get in touch …

Rehearsal Brussels1
Having fun (and rehearsal …) in the heart of Europe – in Brussels in July 2024.

You may use also our contact sheet [LINK].

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